Do You Know the Difference Between a Storm Watch & Storm Warning?

Hurricane season is fast approaching, and the storm damage claim attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A. agree it's never too early to prepare. A common question we hear this time of year is what the difference is between a storm watch and a storm warning.

Storm Watch

A storm watch means conditions are favorable for a severe storm, such as a hurricane, tropcial storm, severe thunderstorm, or tornado, to develop. A storm watch generally covers a large area and can extend into a neighboring state.

Storm Warning

A storm warning means severe weather is radar-indicated or has been reported by weather sporters. Warnings are issued for localized areas, such as a city and county.

Storm Claim Attorney in Orlando

Experiencing a severe storm can be stressful, and receiving an insufficient payment from your homeowners' insurance company only compounds the situation. That's one reason why the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A. is offering up to 50 percent off our standard fees for storm-related claims. Let our skilled attorneys fight for an appropriate settlement while you focus on rebuilding after a storm.

Storm Damage Attorneys in Orlando, FL