Meet Our Brehne Team May Winner of the Month
It’s no surprise that we have a double time champion in Katie, our Client Support Specialist. She is dedicated, a ray of sunshine, and her willingness to always go the extra mile had to be rewarded. Back in February we were given a great peek into what makes her tick, but for the second time around we decided to have a bit more fun with our interview of her.
What thought or message would you want to put into a fortune cookie?
“I cannot help you, for I am just a cookie.”
If you had to give up a favorite food, which would it be and why?
My favorite food is cheese, I don’t think I could never give up my cheese! It just makes my world a happier place.
You have been given access to a time travel machine, what time period would you travel to?
I’d love to travel back to the Medieval Ages.
What is one item you should throw away, but probably never will?
I have a strange fascination with craft beer bottles; all of them are different and usually have a really unique label. I really should throw most of them out, but I know I won’t!
Growing up what were your favorite toys to play with?
I had a love/hate relationship with my Teddy Ruxpin. It was a talking bear that scared the heck out of me when I was a baby, but as I got older it never left my sight. I also had enough legos to build a house with.
Best vacation you have ever had or one you want to plan for.
The best vacation I’ve been on, is when my family and I stayed in Utah. It was near Christmas so there were huge Christmas trees, lights everywhere and this is where I saw snow for the first time. I will always cherish these memories.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Every memory of my childhood is my favorite. I had a wonderful childhood; I have amazing parents, and have had so many fun times as a kid.
How do you like to spend a rainy day?
One word … Netflix!
What word of wisdom would you want to pass on to the next generation who enters the work force?
Find a job that makes you happy. If you wake up and are excited to start the new work day, you’ll have a happier life.