Insurance Disputes

What To Do When You Have a Storm Claim

Oct 05, 2016

Florida experiences an abundance of large thunderstorms every year that have the power to cause a large amount of damage to your home. If damage is left untouched and vulnerable to the elements, your house may suffer further and more costly damages...

About Your Property Damage Claim

Jun 29, 2016

Because you were involved in an automobile accident and injured as a result, you more than likely have experienced damage to your personal property as well. In addition to requiring medical attention and treatment for your injuries, you also have to repair or replace your vehicle as part of the ongoing aggravation you are likely to experience as a result of this accident. You do not necessarily need a lawyer to handle this portion of your claim. If litigation is necessary to pursue the property damage portion of your claim, our firm cannot initiate litigation until you have recovered completely from your injuries. Therefore, it is in your best interest to become familiar with the property damage aspects of your claim in order to quickly resolve these issues.

Balance Billing: How To Avoid A Common Medical Expense Trap

Sep 24, 2015

Picture this: You receive medical treatment or are hospitalized within your network and are covered by your health insurance. But somewhere along the way, the amount the insurance will pay doesn't completely cover the amount one of the physicians charges. The leftover balance is then sent to your home in the form of a bill — one that could total more than tens of thousands of dollars.