Hit & Run Defense Attorneys
The majority of people will be involved in a car accident at some point in their life. Legally, if you are responsible for a collision, you are required to stop and offer assistance. However, if you do not remain at the site of the accident or do not fulfil Florida’s requirements following a car crash, you will be charged with a hit and run and will need to seek assistance from a traffic defense attorney in Orlando.
Responsibilities Following a Florida Auto Accident
In Florida, drivers must immediately pull over as close as possible to the scene of the crash. Then, if requested, they are required to provide their name, registration number, license, and address to the other driver and law enforcement officers. If the vehicle that was hit was unattended, drivers must leave a note including all of the necessary information and then alert the police department of the incident. If the other driver is injured, you are expected to call medical assistance for them.
Penalties for Hit & Run Conviction in Orlando, FL
The specific penalties for a hit and run conviction differ from state to state and vary in degree depending on the severity of the collision. For accidents with exclusively property damage to an unattended vehicle with more than $50 in damage or an attended vehicle, guilty parties can be fined up to $500 and spend up to 60 days in jail or have six months probation. If the accident resulted in personal injury, you will be subject to up to five years in prison or up to 30 years if it resulted in death.
How an Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help
Regardless of the reason, if you have fled the scene of an auto accident, you need to contact an Orlando criminal defense attorney immediately. The quicker you contact the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., the more likely we will be able to gather necessary information for a solid defense. The other party will be responsible for proving beyond a reasonable doubt that you were:
- Operating the vehicle
- Aware or should have been aware that you struck another automobile
- Aware that the collision caused a physical injury or property damage
- Guilty of not stopping or staying long enough to provide the necessary contact information or failing to call for medical assistance
Therefore, at the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., it is our job to prove that you are innocent of these charges. We will look for video records and contact witnesses to find out if you had a justifiable reason for leaving the scene. Possible reasons include:
- You were unaware that a collision occurred or that property was damaged
- Due to extenuating circumstances, you were unable to stop
- You were physically incapable of reporting the accident
- The other driver was aggressive putting your safety in danger
- The other driver rejected your offer to provide them with your contact information
Traffic Defense Attorney in Orlando, FL
The legal ramifications of a hit and run conviction can have lasting physical and financial results. Therefore, it is important that you find an experienced criminal defense lawyer Orlando residents trust for legal representation. At the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., we feel strongly that every driver deserves aggressive and thorough representation to provide them with the best opportunity to plead their case. Our Orlando attorneys have plenty of previous experience and know how to present your case in a compelling manner to get a favorable outcome. Contact our office today for a consultation.